Key questions & related syllabus questions
Each unit consists of mid-term planning material and class record sheet, click the unit title to download.
Unit 1 Autumn 1
Key Question: Does taking bread and wine show that someone is a Christian?
Does participating in worship help people to feel closer to God and their faith community?
Is religion the most important influence and inspiration in everyone’s life?
Faith(s)/Themes: Communion/Commitment/Church
Unit 2 Autumn 2
Key Question: Is light a good symbol for celebration?
Is religion the most important thing in everyone’s life?
Can the arts help communicate religious belief?
Faith(s)/Themes: Light/Belief/Advent/Diwali/Chanukah
Unit 3 Spring 1 (Hindu Option)
Key Question: Is a Hindu child free to choose how to live?
Does living out parents’ religious beliefs/traditions take away someone’s freedom or add to his/her sense of identity?
Does participating in worship help people feel closer to God or their faith community?
Faith(s)/Themes: Hindu/Belief/Dharma
Unit 3 Spring 1 (Judaism Option)
Key Question: Is a Jewish child free to choose how to live?
Does living out parents’ religious beliefs/tradition take away someone’s freedom or add to their sense of identity?
Does participating in worship help people feel closer to God or their faith community?
Faith(s)/Themes: Judaism/Commandments/Halakah
Unit 4 Spring 2
Key Question: Does Easter make sense without Passover?
Do sacred texts have to be true to help people understand their religion?
Is religion the most important influence and inspiration in everyone’s life?
Faith(s)/Themes: Judaism/Christianity/Freedom/Passover/Last Supper
Unit 5 Summer 1
Key Question: Does Jesus have authority for everyone?
Is religion the most important influence and inspiration in everyone’s life?
Do all religious beliefs influence people to behave well towards others?
Faith(s)/Themes: Authority
Unit 6 Summer 2
Key Question: Can made-up stories tell the truth?
Do sacred texts have to be true to help people understand their religion?
Do all religious beliefs influence people to behave well towards others?
Faith(s)/Themes: Truth/Parable/Fable/Myth