Voluntary Controlled (VC) Primary Schools

In addition to an initial visit toward the start of the school year, schools are entitled to two credits per year – each credit equates to half a day of adviser time (to include preparation or follow-up). These can be used for contact and visits by any member of the adviser team. The nature and focus of these visits will be determined with the headteacher at the initial meeting. Where a number of schools have shared priorities, it is often possible to organise shared support or training which supports networking and sharing of good practice.

Support can be focused on any of the following areas and can take place virtually, in school or with a group of schools:

  • Leadership support including pastoral care and leadership development at all levels
  • Governance Support
  • RE Adviser Support
  • SIAMS Adviser Support
  • Advice on Headteacher Recruitment for Governing Boards
  • Access to subsidised Continuing Professional Development and Training
  • Collective Worship & Spirituality


£5.50 per pupil

Subject to a minimum charge of £575p.a. per school and a maximum of £980p.a.

Governance+ Package

Sign up to Core Services and for an additional payment of £200 you will have unlimited access to our annual DTS governor training


Tracy Makin - Schools’ Support Officer

email Tracy Makin or tel: 01865 208242 



Page last updated: Wednesday 13th July 2022 12:00 PM
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