
This is a space for you to share projects, workplans, videos and more. If you would like us to feature your work just send details and some high res images to  Penny Bingham

Aston & Cote and Project Touchline

The school had a really positive experience of this programme that links faith, sport and prayer.

Combe School and the Green Schools Project

Educating pupils about ways to reduce carbon

Combe Green School 2.jpg

Connecting School and Church through Christmas and COVID

Robert Piggott C of E schools on finding new ways through artwork to link with local church of St Mary's at Christmas.

Marlborough Students at the ODBE Annual Service

Covid Reflections from The Marlborough School, Woodstock

Race Equality Week at Aylesbury Vale Academy

Pupils from Aylesbury Vale Academy spark an engaging conversation for Race Equality Week.

St Andrew's CE Primary School, Chinnor

Achieve UNICEF’s Rights Respecting Schools Award

St Edburg's response to 'Be the Change'

Year 5 pupils wrote to the Bishop of Oxford to share their ideas and posters

The Contemplative Toolkit

Staff and children at Goring CE School share how the toolkit is helping them search for identity and meaning.

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