RE Scheme 2023

Welcome to the 2023 Scheme of Work for Primary RE 


This new Diocesan scheme of work has evolved from the previous scheme that was first published in 2014. It takes account of much of the thinking that has been happening over the last few years.

Please note that the scheme is not yet complete. More units and recoruces will be added over the coming months.

The scheme suggests the Understanding Christianity resource units that may be taught in place of the scheme’s units. It also references the proposed National Statement of Entitlement that has been included in the Religious Educations Councils latest Curriculum Resource document:

A copy of the Statement of Entitlement is included at the end of the scheme overview.

This scheme is not presented as a finished piece of work. A curriculum in any subject needs to be continually evolving and adapting to new developments, cohorts and contexts. Every school is different. Some of you will be teaching in mixed classes, some of which will also be mixed phase. This will mean that units need to be adapted. There are also different syllabuses that you need to follow. Some will require a broader range of religious tradition than others. Some will specify in which year groups certain religions are to be taught.

The scheme no longer links units to specific terms withing the year. Each year group has three units focused on Christianity, two focused on a second worldview and a philosophy unit that gives the opportunity to teachers to revisit learning about a range of worldviews, including Christianity. This is going to be the best unit for exploring non-religious worldviews.

The vision for this scheme is that it will be a collaborative project. Anyone who adapts a unit, completely rewrites a unit or provides a unit that doesn’t already exist is invited to send it in.

The scheme already contains intent, implementation, and impact statements, as well as a core knowledge building blocks chart. Development work will continue through the academic year 2024-25, with the creation of some units for the new syllabuses that are being produced, as well as some knowledge organisers and sample resurces. .

For further information, to submit a unit or send feedback, please contact


Intent, Implementation and Impact

Scheme Overview

Knowledge Building Blocks

Assessment in RE is like that in any other subject - it must relate directly to the content taught. It should set out what pupils need to know, apply and understand. This covers content, skills and methodologies. Assessment needs to link to the content of the units covered, but the grids below offer a suggested approach and summary of the material that may be covered. Please adapt according to the plicies and practices of your school. 

EYFS Progression Document

KS1 Progression Document - this is split into Y1 and Y2 to allow for progression in the teaching of Judaism. Feel free to combine if you are taching a mixed age class. 

KS2 Progression Document - this is split into Lower and Upper key stages, but could be further separated or combined as required. 

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Parts of the website are accessible only to schools in the S4S agreement. This includes the RE Scheme which is free to all schools in the S4S agreement but for all other schools there is an annual cost of £200 (+VAT). Contact Anne Andrews for further information on how to access the Scheme.

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