MAT Partners

ODBE is involved with the governance of over 20 Multi-Academy Trusts serving schools across the Diocese of Oxford which range in size from one to thirty-eight schools. There are two diocesan MATs and a number of other trusts which support church schools.

Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust     

Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust (ODST) was founded by the Diocese of Oxford in 2012 and now serves over 6,100 pupils in church and community schools across Oxfordshire and Berkshire.  All ODST schools are either primary, infant, junior or middle.

ODST places great emphasis on 'community'; on giving, rather than receiving, according to need. The trust is motivated by Christian values to serve local communities, but those values are never ‘imposed’.  The Trust’s admissions policies are open, and priority given to children in the local area. Pupils of all faiths and none are welcome, the trust is proud of the diversity within its academies, reflecting that of their local communities. Find out more...

Oxford Diocesan Bucks Schools Trust     

Founded in 2017 the ODBST has a set of strong spiritual values and a fundamental commitment to building a better future for the pupils in our schools. Children and young people, irrespective of a faith perspective, are encouraged to ‘experience life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10). Each school positively impacts on its local community, providing a values-led education and promoting the welfare of pupils and staff.

Oxford Diocesan Bucks Schools Trust operates in the Buckingham Episcopal area of the Oxford Diocese, which covers Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes. Find out more...

Other Trusts

The ODBE works with several other academy trusts. These are of two kinds trusts, those with with a majority of Church members and those with a minority of Church members.

In all cases a church school retains its character as ‘aided’ or ‘controlled’ when it becomes and academy. To find out more about each trust follow the links to their websites.

Links to trusts with majority Church representation:

Ashley Hill    

Berkshire Schools' Trust   


Great Learners' Trust    

Slough & East Berkshire MAT   

The Keys Academy Trust   

Warriner Multi-Academy Trust    

Links to trusts with minority Church representation:

Eynsham Partnership Academy   

Excalibur Academy Trust  

Faringdon Learning Trust   

Inspiring Futures Through Learning    

Merchant Taylors' Oxfordshire Academies Trust    

The Mill Multi-Academy Trust   

Ridgeway Education Trust    

River Learning Trust   

The White Horse Federation  

Vale Academy Trust   

Windsor Learning Partnership      

Page last updated: Tuesday 5th October 2021 12:04 PM
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