In addition to an initial visit toward the start of the school year, schools are entitled to the equivalent of two half-days of adviser time (to include preparation or follow-up).
These can be used for contact and visits by any member of the adviser team. The nature and focus of these visits will be determined with the headteacher at the initial meeting. Where a number of schools have shared priorities, it is often possible to organise shared support or training which supports networking and sharing of good practice.
Support can be focused on any of the following areas and can take place virtually, in school or with a group of schools:
- Leadership support including pastoral care and leadership development at all levels
- Governance Support
- RE Adviser Support
- SIAMS Adviser Support
- Advice on Headteacher Recruitment for Governing Boards
- Access to subsidised Continuing Professional Development and Training
- Collective Worship & Spirituality
Click here to sign up now. The full details of this support including costs is in our SLA 2025-28 booklet.
The annual cost for the Core Offer within the SLA is calculated on the number of pupils on roll (NOR) at the October census of the current academic year. We reserve the right to amend the annual SLA invoice if the NOR should change.
Number of pupils: |
Charge |
0 – 119 |
£655 p.a. |
120 – 149 |
£850 p.a. |
150 – 179 |
£1,000 p.a. |
180+ |
£1,100 p.a. |
Governance+ Offer
Sign up to Core Services and for an additional payment of £200 you will have unlimited access to our annual DTS governor training
Training+ Offer
New from September 2025, this annual subscription entitles schools to send one participant on every ODBE course. Our Training+ Offer costs £395 p.a. for full access to all training for the academic year.
Tracy Makin - Schools’ Support Officer
email Tracy Makin or tel: 01865 208242