Voluntary Aided (VA) Primary Schools & Primary Academies

In addition to the offer for VC maintained schools, VA schools and all primary academies receive access to the following services as part of their Services for Schools package.

  • Buildings & Premises advice and project planning
  • Land and Trust Issues
  • Admissions
  • Appeals

Click here to sign up now. The full details of this support including costs is in our SLA 2025-28 booklet


The annual cost for the Core Offer within the SLA is calculated on the number of pupils on roll (NOR) at the October census of the current academic year. We reserve the right to amend the annual SLA invoice if the NOR should change.

Number of pupils:

Charge (£)

0 – 119

£735 p.a.

120 – 149

£970 p.a.

150 – 239

£1,470 p.a.


£2,000 p.a.

Governance+ Package

Sign up to Core Services and for an additional payment of £200 you will have unlimited access to our great provision for governor training for all members of your board.

Training+ Offer

New from September 2025, this annual subscription entitles schools to send one participant on every ODBE course. Our Training+ Offer costs £395 p.a. for full access to all training for the academic year.


Tracy Makin - Schools’ Support Officer

email Tracy Makin or tel: 01865 208242 


Page last updated: Monday 10th March 2025 2:14 PM
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