Our additional services provide an opportunity for schools to benefit from ODBE advice in a range of ways. ODBE reviews and supported self - reviews always begin with a meeting to discuss how the school wishes to use the ODBE support, and the process Advisers will follow in order to match this closely to the school’s needs and expectations. All additional services will conclude with a written report.
Supported Self-Review of the Quality of Education
Working alongside the school’s own leaders, we use evidence from visits to lessons, discussions with pupils; scrutiny of pupils’ work and meetings with leaders and managers, including governors. Exploring and monitoring the quality of teaching and learning alongside leaders in this way provides an excellent opportunity for schools to scrutinise their own evidence for self-evaluation of provision. This review may support schools in preparation for inspection.
Supported Self-Review of Leadership and Management
ODBE advisers will use the school’s documentation, including the School Development Plan, leadership structure, meeting minutes and pupil progress information to work with leaders in evaluating their impact on pupil outcomes.
RE Review
Using the Church of England Statement of Entitlement as the benchmark for high quality RE, the review will identify good practice and highlight areas for development. The day may include: scrutiny of work and planning, learning walks, lesson visits, and discussion with pupils and staff. We will consider the impact of CPD for all staff delivering RE and for leaders of RE, and the monitoring and evaluation of RE standards across the school. In the light of the current Ofsted Framework, we will also consider with leaders the contribution of RE to the wider curriculum.
Collective Worship Review
This review will explore how Collective Worship is an expression of the school’s vision. It may include discussion with pupils, staff, clergy team and governors as part of an agreed programme of visits. The review can include attendance at several examples of collective worship and involve an audit of school documentation including relevant policies, evidence of monitoring and evaluation, the contribution of worship to spiritual development and the impact of worship in the school community.
The services are charges at a daily rate of £675 per day (Primary) or £800 per day (Secondary), please discuss with your School Adviser any additional or bespoke work you wish to consider.