
The unique distinguishing feature of chaplaincy is that it offers holistic, person-centred, and non-judgemental pastoral care of pupils and adults whether they are Atheist, Agnostic, Christian, or of a different faith. School chaplaincy in the Diocese of Oxford will reflect the diocesan vision by being Contemplative, Compassionate and Courageous.image of school chaplain with 3 children

See Chaplaincy training events for 2024-2025

Being young has probably never been easy, but with mental health conditions on a steep rise well before the pandemic, it has only got harder.

In response to this chaplaincy has an extremely powerful impact on a school; it helps the school community understand how to develop and articulate a loving ethos and encourages a school community to reach beyond its own boundaries to meet, and be shaped by, the needs of the world.

If you wish to find out more then there are a number of things you can do:

  • Look at our Frequently Asked Questions sheet, which will let you dip your toe in the water as a school or a church
  • Get in touch with our School Chaplaincy Adviser, for an initial exploratory conversation or meeting
  • Download and read our School Chaplaincy Handbook which offers a little bit more of an overview of this sector of ministry

If you wish to develop chaplaincy in your school or college, then do look at our short 10-step guide to setting up a school chaplaincy, which offers an outline of the process. Alongside which please read our guide, Four models of School Chaplaincy, which might guide you in your thinking, and help you visualise what a chaplaincy might look like. 

There is excellent national resourcing through The Centre for Chaplaincy in Education, who offer University-accredited training courses through Newman University.

The School Chaplaincy Adviser acts as one of the facilitators for chaplains in the Oxford/central area for this course.

You might also find the Church of England and The National Society’s 2014 paper The Public Face of God helpful in understanding the nature, background and possibilities of school chaplaincy.


Revd Charlie Kerr - ODBE Chaplaincy Adviser

email Charlie Kerr or tel: 07776 595046

Page last updated: Monday 12th August 2024 10:58 AM
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