About the Board
The National Church school system is managed and developed through individual dioceses. Each Diocese has a Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) which is served by a Diocesan Director of Education (DDE) who is the Secretary and Officer of the DBE.
The Diocesan Director of Education, Mr Tony Wilson, oversees the work of the team and is the lead officer in the development of the Board of Education strategy and policies for working with children and young people in CE schools across the diocese.
The Oxford Diocesan Board of Education is a charity and company limited by guarantee. It is chaired by the Bishop of Buckingham, the Rt Revd Dr Alan Wilson, and meets three times a year to consider strategy and policy matters. The work of the Board is supported by four sub-committees.
The Board is currently made up of approximately 20 members, the majority of whom are representatives elected from the four archdeaconries by Diocesan Synod, appointed by the Bishop of Oxford or co-opted.
Matthew Abbott
Revd Mark Bennet
Hannah Brown
Rt Revd Gavin Collins
Peter Flory
Nicola Flower
Revd Canon Tim Harper
Patricia Hudson
Dr Felix Leach (chair)
Trefor Llewellyn
Peter Norman
Lorna Piper
Chris Tomes
Kathy Winrow MBE